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Ximena Ferrada

Profesional con una larga trayectoria como docente e investigadora en la Universidad del Desarrollo y Universidad Católica de Chile.

Actualmente es Directora de Ingeniería Civil de Obras Civiles.

Curso que imparte en pregrado:


Sleep Duration and Fatigue in Construction Workers: A PRELIMINARY STUDY 2021Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: an International Journal.
Hospitales sustentables: partidas críticas para su construcción y el rol de la inspección técnica 2021Hábitat Sustentable
Sustainable Hospitals: Critical items for their Construction and the role of technical inspection 2022Hábitat Sustentable
Critical Construction Work Items for Sustainable Hospitals 2020Proceedings of the Creative Construction e-Conference 2020
Training workers and reducing the rate of accidents: A proposal inspired by the chronic care model 2019REVISTA DE LA CONSTRUCCION
Chapter 3: The Performance of the Chilean Construction Industry: Programmes, Initiatives, Achievements and Challenges, en Improving the Performance of Construction Industries for Developing Countries
* ( En conjunto con Alfredo Serpell )
2021Routledge: Improving the Performance of Construction Industries for Developing Countries
Measuring the performance of Project risk management: A preliminary model
* ( En conjunto con Alfredo Serpell )