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Gabriel Gandia

Ingeniero especializado en las áreas de Ingeniería estructural, geotécnica, Modelización numérica y mecánica computacional.

Actualmente es Profesor e Investigador en la Universidad del Desarrollo.

Investigaciones Modelling of earthquake-induced pounding between adjacent structures with a nonsmooth contact dynamics method Año 2021Medio Engineering Structures
Investigaciones Performance-based probabilistic assessment of liquefaction-induced building settlements Año 2021Medio Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Investigaciones Ground Motion Correlations from Recorded Mexican Intermediate-depth, Intraslab Earthquakes Año 2021Medio Journal of Earthquake Engineering
Investigaciones Performance-based analysis of Transit tunnels in the Chilean subduction zone Año 2022Medio Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Investigaciones Seismic Risk of sliding ground-mounted rigid equipment Año 2020Medio ENGINEERING STRUCTURES
Investigaciones Correlations of spectral accelerations in the Chilean subduction zone Año 2020Medio EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA
Investigaciones A computational Platform for the Assessment of Seismically-Induced Slope Displacements Año 2020Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING
Investigaciones Performance-based assessment of the seismic pseudo-static coefficient used in slope stability analysis Año 2020Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING
Investigaciones New developments for the performance-based assessment of seismically-induced slope displacements Año 2020Medio Engineering Geology
Investigaciones Collapse risk assessment of a Chilean dual wall-frame reinforced concrete office building Año 2019Medio ENGINEERING STRUCTURES
Investigaciones Static earth pressures on a pile supported excavation in Santiago gravel Año 2019Medio REVISTA DE LA CONSTRUCCION
Investigaciones Interperiod correlation model for Mexican interface earthquakes Año 2019Medio EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA
Investigaciones Assessment of fragility models based on the Sept. 19th, 2017 earthquake observed damage Año 2019Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING
Investigaciones Observed building damage patterns and foundation performance in Mexico City following the 2017 M7.1 Puebla-Mexico City earthquake Año 2019Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING
Investigaciones A New State-of-the-Art Platform for Probabilistic and Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment Año 2019Medio SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS