Ingeniero especializado en las áreas de Ingeniería estructural, geotécnica, Modelización numérica y mecánica computacional.
Actualmente es Profesor e Investigador en la Universidad del Desarrollo.
Investigaciones | Año | Medio |
Investigaciones Modelling of earthquake-induced pounding between adjacent structures with a nonsmooth contact dynamics method | Año 2021 | Medio Engineering Structures |
Investigaciones Performance-based probabilistic assessment of liquefaction-induced building settlements | Año 2021 | Medio Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
Investigaciones Ground Motion Correlations from Recorded Mexican Intermediate-depth, Intraslab Earthquakes | Año 2021 | Medio Journal of Earthquake Engineering |
Investigaciones Performance-based analysis of Transit tunnels in the Chilean subduction zone | Año 2022 | Medio Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
Investigaciones Seismic Risk of sliding ground-mounted rigid equipment | Año 2020 | Medio ENGINEERING STRUCTURES |
Investigaciones Correlations of spectral accelerations in the Chilean subduction zone | Año 2020 | Medio EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA |
Investigaciones A computational Platform for the Assessment of Seismically-Induced Slope Displacements | Año 2020 | Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING |
Investigaciones Performance-based assessment of the seismic pseudo-static coefficient used in slope stability analysis | Año 2020 | Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING |
Investigaciones New developments for the performance-based assessment of seismically-induced slope displacements | Año 2020 | Medio Engineering Geology |
Investigaciones Collapse risk assessment of a Chilean dual wall-frame reinforced concrete office building | Año 2019 | Medio ENGINEERING STRUCTURES |
Investigaciones Static earth pressures on a pile supported excavation in Santiago gravel | Año 2019 | Medio REVISTA DE LA CONSTRUCCION |
Investigaciones Interperiod correlation model for Mexican interface earthquakes | Año 2019 | Medio EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA |
Investigaciones Assessment of fragility models based on the Sept. 19th, 2017 earthquake observed damage | Año 2019 | Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING |
Investigaciones Observed building damage patterns and foundation performance in Mexico City following the 2017 M7.1 Puebla-Mexico City earthquake | Año 2019 | Medio SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING |
Investigaciones A New State-of-the-Art Platform for Probabilistic and Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment | Año 2019 | Medio SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS |